研華EKI-1242IEIMS Modbus RTU/TCP to EtherNet/IP Protocol Gateway, Wide Temperature

研華EKI-1242IEIMS Modbus RTU/TCP to EtherNet/IP Protocol Gateway, Wide Temperature

  • Seamless integrate Modbus RTU/TCP and EtherNet/IP communication
  • Built-in real time diagnostic to increase high efficiency of device management
  • Designed for protocol extensibility and adaption
  • Modbus TCP scanner mode supports 64 connections
  • Supports dual power input for power redundancy
  • Mounts on DIN-rail and Wall mount
  • The EKI-1242EIMS Industrial Protocol gateway not only provides seamless communication between Fieldbus and Industrial Ethernet but also supports different protocol devices. Therefore, the Fieldbus gateway can integrate new and existing Modbus RTU/TCP devices to the EtherNet/IP network. Being able to collect data and exchange data between Modbus RTU/TCP to EtherNet/IP, EKI-1242EIMS is a simple and resource saving way to bring the advantages of fast data transmissions between different devices.


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