研華DVP-7031E 4-ch H.264/MPEG4 MiniPCIe Video Capture Module with SDK

研華DVP-7031E 4-ch H.264/MPEG4 MiniPCIe Video Capture Module with SDK

  • Compatible with Windows 8.1
  • 4-channel video inputs with H.264/MPEG4 software compression
  • 120/100 fps (NTSC/PAL) at up to D1 resolution for recording and display
  • Mini PCIe host interface
  • Windows/Linux OS supported
  • DVP-7031E is a Mini PCIe-bus, software compression video capture card with 4 video and 4 audio inputs. DVP-7031E supports H.264 baseline compression format at up to D1 resolution at real-time frame rate (30/25fps). With an easy-to-use software development kit (SDK) and flexibility to stack multiple cards, DVP-7031E is an ideal solution for various video capture applications or video surveillance.


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